Welfare to Work
Welfare to Work
Our work here in SWWFRC focuses on supporting people in this community who have recently become unemployed or been made redundant. We are constantly reorganizing the delivery of our community education courses in order to address the needs of those with low or no qualifications, aiming to support low skill workers to consider retraining and encourage people to improve their reading, writing, spelling and maths skills so they can diversify in work if necessary.
Internet Access is now free for jobseekers and you can also browse the job sections of the local papers on our employment Notice Board and access the most up to date welfare and employment information in the Centre.
We also provide supports with one-to-one CV design. Anyone interested can contact Reception on 051-389418 or email Reception@swwfrc.ie for more information.
SWWFRC works in conjunction with such programmes as The Department of Social Protection (DSP) to deliver our very valuable Community Employment Scheme ( C.E.) and the TUS programme with Wexford Local Development (WLD) . The C.E. scheme provides a very necessary staff resource with participants working in a number of areas within the Centre such as Childcare, Reception, building maintenance and the Fusion Youth Café and participants are afforded opportunities to gain formal training qualifications in their chosen area. The TUS scheme, also offers participants an opportunity to obtain on the job work experience. We are delighted to say that we have a very high success rate of people obtaining permanent and part-time employment from these schemes.
DSP Employment Scheme | The Tus Programme
Employment Training Programmes
- SWWFRC engages with the Wexford Local Development TUS scheme and offers placements of up to 1 year in various positions. TUS participants who complete their placements can then progress to the CE Scheme as agreed.
- The DSP CE Scheme is approved for 24 individuals to take up placements on the Community Employment Scheme.
- All CE participants take part in Education and Training Programmes. These courses are delivered in house through the Education and Training Dept. (REaD) in the Family Resource Centre, online, some are blended learning and some are also outsourced to other training companies. The courses are highlighted by the participants in their Individual Learning Plans and sourced by the CE supervisor. The courses also respond to the placement that the participants are involved in.
- The following courses can be delivered to CE participants by Ramsgrange Education and Development ( REaD) @ the Family Resource Centre. Children with Additional Needs, Early childhood and Education, Child Development, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Payroll, Work Experience, ECDL, Training and Development and Special Needs Assisting.
- Other courses that Participants take part in are mandatory while on placement with CE. These courses are outsourced to companies that specialise in this type of training. Mandatory Training can vary depending on what area of work you are placed in but all participants are required to have Health and Safety Awareness and Manual Handling. Childcare staff are required to have First Aid Responder (FAR) Training.