Local Training Initiative

Local Training Initiative – Tourism with Business Course
The Local Training Initiative based in SWWFRC is an WWETB Adult Education initiative. Our last course ended in August 2023 and was a huge success, with 8 learners receiving full accreditation and 6 learners receiving individual module accreditation. Learners ages ranged from 18 to 75 and excellent experiences were had by all on the course. We are now recruiting for the new Tourism with Business Course. Details are found below.
**Open Evening for new course at SWWFRC is August 31st 5pm-7pm
**Open Day for new course at SWWFRC is September 5th 9:30am-12:30pm
Coordinator – Christina Martin christina@swwfrc.ie 087-4552980
Assistant Coordinator – Sheila Ward sheila@swwfrc.ie 087-4552980
- This is a Level 5 QQI Course based in the South West Wexford Family Resource Centre, Ramsgrange.
- It is a Part time course Monday-Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm
- It is FREE
- If you are on a DEASP Payment, that transfers over to a Training Allowance for the duration of the course and if you are entitled to Fuel Allowance etc… that will carry forward.
- You also receive a small payment towards travel and meals each week.
- The course starts on September 11th 2023 and will go on for 17 months until January 9th 2025.
- You will study 8 accredited modules:
- Communications
- Tourism Principles and Practices
- Word Processing
- Customer Services
- Entrepreneurial Skills
- An Appreciation of Irish Culture
- Tourism Information and Administration
- Work Experience
- You will also carry out non-accredited training throughout the 18 months like:
- HACCP (Food Safety)
- First Aid
- Manual Handling
- Digital Skills
- Research and Referencing
- Plus a lot more
- Also during the 18 month we will complete many fun activities and go on trips.
- Once the course is finished, we can also support you if you want to find a job, or move on to 3rd level education.