SWWFRC Education and Development
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SWWFRC now provides professional IT and office facilities to support remote working. We can provide this workspace for Students, Professionals, Remote workers at reasonable rates. Contact reception@swwfrc.ie for initial enquiry. #familyresourceirl

The Local Training Initiative located at the SWWFRC, partnered with WWETB, is currently running a QQI Level 5 Tourism with Business Course. There is ongoing recruitment for this part time course running Mon-Thurs each week. This course is FREE and learners may be able to receive a Training Allowance and well as travel and meal subsidies.
If you are interested in learning more about this course, contact Christina Martin, LTI Coordinator, on 0874552980 or christina@swwfrc.ie.
Please view our Local Training Initiative Page: http://swwfrc.ie/education/courses/
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LTITourismwithBusiness